Ansley, our first grandchild.
When Ansley was born, we all said she was the prettiest baby we had ever seen. I know every grandmother thinks their grandchildren are the prettiest, smartest, most adorable, and I am right up there with them!
The first time I held her, I thought heaven had just descended upon me.
With her dark eyes, dark hair and almond coloring, she looked like a little China doll. Holly had decorated her nursery in little Asian girls, so it was very fitting that she look rather international!!
Ansley always has a smile on her face. She was making jokes as soon as she learned to talk, which was very early. She has a sense of humor like an adult! Ansley was the first grandchild for both grandparents. It is a huge understatement that she had lots of attention!
When Ansley turned one, all of her great-grandparents came to her first birthday party! She has been blessed to have so many to love her and pray for her.
I was giving little Ansley a bath when she was barely talking, and told her it was time to get out. She had been playing in the tub until her fingers and toes were shriveled up! She shocked me when she said "Not yet!". That became her most favorite phrase. Not Yet! Not Yet!
Not yet, Nonnie!
Ansely comes from a long line of strong Christians with deep faith in Jesus Christ. Ansley was baptized last summer in a nearby lake, by her daddy, David, and her pastor, Mark. We so rejoiced in this most important step in her life.
Ansely finished her kindergarten year at school just a couple of weeks ago! My how time flys.
Ansley Rae, I love you so much! I am so proud of you.
I agree she is a beautiful lil Girl! Enjoy that sweet lil thing.I have 3 girls myself and my first Grandson.He is now the most beautiful lil thing ever.~Cheers Kim