He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalms 91:1

Monday, February 6, 2012

EXTREMELY random news...

     Actually, no news.  I seem to be slipping so bad in the blogging department that I just thought I would list a few... few...few what?  I have no clue.

   1.  Paisley will be two this week!
   2.  Why is that when you don't wash and style your hair you always see people out and about that you never see, and you wonder if they are thinking if I always go out like that?  NO, is the answer.  Rarely.
   3.  The sun finally came out for ten minutes right before sunset this afternoon.  Not complaining, just stating.
   4.  My buttercups are blooming.  They have been for over a week.  That means they bloomed in January.  This has never happened before, (here).  Really.  NEVER.  I don't know whether to be happy or concerned.
   5.  We have new neighbors from Switzerland.  Yes, the European country.  They even have an accent and are extremely friendly.  Talk about culture shock.
   6.  I am looking for a good book to read.  Always looking, as a matter of fact.
   7.  I drank a Sunkist Orange yesterday for dinner.  I was awake until after two this morning.  I think the cola plant mixed up the Sundrop and Sunkist caffiene ingredients.
   8.  I rarely drink soft drinks.  Really.  I like water.  I really do. Honest.  Mr. G thinks I am crazy.  He cannot stand water.  Really.  Honest.  He really hates it.
   9.  We have a natural stand of wild strawberries in the dog pen.  In the WHOLE dog pen.  If they were the good strawberries, we could put a "U-PICK" sign in the yard.
  10.  Have you seen the talking dog on Youtube?  You must.  It is so funny that I laugh even when I just THINK about it.  Here's the link:  http://youtu.be/nGeKSiCQkPw
   11.  I ran into Naomi Judd today.  I really did.  With my cart in the store.  She is prettier in person than on t.v.  Honest.  She smiled at me and was friendly.
   12.  Mr. G is watching the old movie 'The Longest Day'.  I have renamed it.  'The Longest Movie.'
   13.  Has anyone really had a LED light bulb last for seven years?  I don't think they have been on the market that long.  So, I guess the answer is no.
   14.  Are you addicted to Pinterest?
   15.  I don't know why we are buying the huge tvs, paying for multiple channels through cable or satellite, and there is nothing on tv or cable or satellite to watch.
                Have a great week!