He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalms 91:1

Sunday, March 13, 2011

That is enough

    The past few months have been full of stress and trials. Life is that way.  This afternoon I had some time to reflect on things for which I am truly grateful.

    Amazing grace and mercy.

    A Savior who loves me and makes a path for me.

    A warm home.

    A wonderful family.

    A loving husband and two caring daughters.

    Four darling grandchildren.

    Food on the table.

    My mother is improving and having some good days!

    I could list a hundred more, but I will stop there.  I remember once hearing someone say, even in the worst days, filled with sorrow, pain, regret, burdens, worry, anger, injustice, and heartache, those who know the Lord, and put their faith in Him, have the promise of eternity in heaven.  That is enough.

  I ponder much over suffering.  I do not understand it.  I cannot wrap my brain around children who have pain, or are hungry, or who have lost their mothers.  I can get mad when I hear of a small child abused and or murdered, or view the tragedy of war and the slaughter of young men and women who will never live a full life.  I am grieving at the loss of thousands in Japan due to the earthquake and tsunami. I want to stand before the Most High and ask why can this happen?

   This side of heaven we will not get a satisfactory answer.  Our God is sovereign and His ways are not our ways.  I know in my head that this is a fallen, sinful world.  Suffering will take place here.  Disasters will happen.  Heartache will touch each and every one of us whose feet touch the soil of the earth.  Pain, whether physical or emotional, will enter our lives at some time while our days are cast on this earth.  No one, no not one, is spared from trials and sorrow.  For many of those who have given their lives to Christ, through these circumstances our faith is strengthened as we learn to rely on God.  For some others, they find Christ.  And, others, they blame God or turn from Him.

   But, at the end of our lives, we can, if we have chosen to follow the One and Only Jesus Christ, repent of our sins,  spend eternity in a place that is far more wonderful and glorious than the here and now.  It will last forever.  FOREVER. That, my friends, is enough.  I am more grateful for that, than all other things.

    Amazing Grace.  How sweet the sound.


...When we've been here (heaven) ten thousand years

   Bright shining as the sun.

   We've no less days to sing God's praise

    Than when we've first begun.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Babies, babies, babies!


This picture takes my breath away!  Robin took this after our last pretty snowfall.  Paisley has on a white fleece coat. Adorable. 

  Oh my goodness!  Babies are just happening everywhere.
 ~ My nephew and his wife are the proud parents of a precious baby girl, Olivia Jane.  She arrived on Saturday.
~ My son-in-law's cousin is in Korea getting their adopted little girl, Ella Marie. 
~AND, a special friend just learned the news that a baby is coming soon for her to adopt!  I am thrilled.

  These events are blessings beyond measure.  Thank you, Lord, for your pouring out on these families.  May you keep them all in your care.

  I have been absent from blogging for a while.  Blogger's block, busy days, worries and concerns about my mother.  It keeps me from writing.  But, I plan to get back in the swing of things.

  Paisley had her first birthday and her party, so I need to get some pics posted--SOON!


    Take a look at this old old picture...

        Now take a look at Paisley's picture, above...

             This old picture just happens to be Nonnie as a bouncing babe of about seven to eight months.  The picture of Paisley was taken close to her first birthday.  Honestly, I think she looks like moi, me! Not bragging, just facts....