He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalms 91:1

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ornaments, the jolly old elf, and sweet sweet memories

Vintage Christmas Clipart - White Bell with a Bluebird and Holly                                                      

    Years ago when my little ones came along, I decided to buy or make an ornament for them every year to add to the collection of pretties to hang on the tree.  They varied from Disney ornaments, cross-stitched ones I made, wooden ones I painted, a reindeer out of old clothes pins, a tin soldier out of a clothespin, hand made Santas out of shells, and Margaret Furlong angel ornaments, etc.  Some of them sound rather tacky and crafty, but most of them were cute or pretty!

    The Christmas before Holly married, as I took down the tree, I put her ornaments in a box and lovingly wrapped the breakables in tissue, and tied a ribbon around the box.  Each one reminded me of her childhood, thus it was a bittersweet task.  That next Christmas, Holly and David were newlyweds with their own home and their own tree to decorate.  I gave Holly her set of ornaments to hang on their first Christmas tree.

    Then, years later when Robin was planning her wedding, the process was repeated.  I, once again,  after Christmas, took her ornaments off our tree, and put them in a special place to give to her for her first Christmas with Jason.  It was just as hard to do this for my second born as my first.  Sometimes it is  hard to let them grow up!

    When I visit their homes during the Christmas season, I look at their trees and see some of the memories from their childhood.  They have started collections for their own children.   I want them to always remember traditions and family times during holiday seasons.

    Time passes so quickly.  It seems like yesterday the girls were coming down the stairs excited to see what Santa had left for them. Only crumbs remained on the cookie plate and the milk mug was empty.  Their toys and gifts left from a jolly old elf scattered around the tree.  Their stockings were full of surprises.

   I have such sweet memories of those mornings.  Sleepy eyes, mussed hair, Robin's fuzz ball (her hair is curly and she would get up with a fuzzy head of hair) footed pajamas and sparkling eyes.  Holly was careful to help Robin when she was younger open her gifts.

Vintage Christmas Clipart - Two Little Children in Bed watching Santa Claus with his Bag of Gifts
   One Christmas Eve, we spent the night with Mr. G's parents.   Santa was bringing the girls a trampoline and it had to be assembled-in the middle of the night.  I can't figure out why we did this.  It seems like a really stupid thing to do.  Why not stay at home (like we did every other year) and let Santa come to our home with such a BIG present?  Anyway, Mr. G and his dad put this thing together, out in the falling snow with the temperature at about twenty degrees.  Then, they drug it to the front yard so the kids could see it out the front door.

    It WAS exciting, and the girls went crazy!  They couldn't get over how Santa's sleigh made marks in the snow all the way to the back yard!  Humm......

   Mr. G. came down with a serious cold after that.  Oh well, I guess it was worth it.

    The things we will do to surprise our children.  Those days were fun.  I miss them!  But now I get to hear about the surprises the kids have for their children.  And....I get to sleep all night long on Christmas Eve!