He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalms 91:1

Monday, August 20, 2012

What If

Over the last few months several people close to me have lost loved ones.  
Heartbreaking loss. 
Any loss is hard.  
It is especially hard when things are not settled between you and people you love.
I do not know if things were right between some of these friends. 
I do know it causes me to want to make sure that those who I love
and have been part of my life,
that I love them.

Take time to convey to those you love words that will never end in regret.

 Therefore, God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, accepting one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive.

Colossians 3:12-13 (HCSB)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Three and a half months, really?

I cannot believe it has been that long since I have posted a blog... 
 I need to take a long hard look at this thing and decide if I will continue this journey of writing or not.  It's a love/hate thing.  Not really hate, but dread.  When I am busy and many things are going on, I feel frustrated that I do not push myself to write.  I do write 'in my head' but somehow it never gets to the computer.

There is lots to blog about- those grandbabies (they are not babies anymore, but I'll always call them that) are growing up.  Paisley is two and a half and trying to run the show.  :0)  Ansley is just so grown up at eight, and the two middles, Millie and Addison start first grade!  

No earth shattering events, just life and what comes with it.  

Concerns for our nation, and our world. 
Oppressive heat in the south this summer.  
Friends with illness and diseases that make us realize how life is so fragile. 
'Lympic watching, cheering, yellin', and covering of eyes :(   (Please, wear more clothing over those bodies!  ugh...)  
Painting, painting, and projects.  
Bible studies, friend lunches, family visits and flower watering.  
Puppy loving, coloring, sewing pillows and curtains.  
Pinterest browsing (oh, my!).  

Yep, busy times.

Look for me soon!  I need to charge up my camera battery and download a few pics.  Robin got some great shots on our beach vacation. My, the summer has flown!

Have a great weekend  :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hard to breathe

 I wrote this post last summer while at the beach.  I have since finished Ann Voskamp's book.  I remember I put it down several times needing to let it soak in and regain my lungs so I could plunge in again.  I encourage you to read it.    
 I have just read the first chapter of Ann Voskamp's  A Thousand Gifts.  It is moving.  It is raw.  And it is real.  Real life.  I find it hard to breathe right now.

   Life is hard.  It has pains and grief that most of us will question.  Allowing my mind to wander into the dark places of hurt and grief only brings back the questions of why.  It causes me to reach back and reflect on past tragedies and pains so deep that I rarely let myself think about.  But, as I have said before, this side of heaven we'll more than likely not have answers.  Life is just that way.  Most of us have times in our lives we wish we could erase.

   The rain is rolling in with the waves as I watch the clouds race to shore.  It is soothing on a quite afternoon, lazy, relaxing, and quiet.  I don't mind that I cannot be at the beach, sunning or watching toddlers play in the sand.  It is nice to have nothing to do but lay on the sofa and not even think about dinner.

   These days are rare, so I will soak them up like the rays of sun.  Recoup.  Revamp.  Restore.
 Have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bible Blocks

  Huh?    Yes, I said, Bible Blocks.

I found the coolest toy blocks via Sixty-Six Clouds *way cool site  Sixty-Six Clouds
    Anywho, these BIBLE BLOCKS are really toys, really blocks, but with the books of the Bible on them, and numbered in order, color coded, etc.  You just have to take a looksie for yourself:

                                                              Books of the Bible Block Set

I could use them for moi.  I learned the books of the Bible in Vacation Bible School, and Sunday School as a child (centuries ago), but somewhere after Amos in the Old Testament I can get kind of lost.  Then somewhere around Colossians, my post middle age brain can turn to oatmeal or James steps out for a cup of coffee with the Peter and John and I can't find them.  So, a good game of name the Books of the Bible could be a real memory lesson for me AND help teach the grandkids the order of the Great Books.

Take a look, and quick, this ball needs to get rollin'!

AND here's a look at the posters/screen prints from Sixty-Six Clouds.  I have to have one.  Deciding on which one is the problem.

Song of Songs (Pomegranate)
This is from Sixty-six Clouds.  You can order this poster/screen print.  LOVE IT!

It's Saturday morning, I have to get some much needed chores done....Have a good one!
my lilacs are in full bloom....

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pearls wrapped with tears of grace

The Pearls and Grace: Double Strand Event was everything wonderful and more.  It was a gathering of women (let's say girls) who came to hear the stories of some of their favorite bloggers.  It was not for the faint of heart.  Their stories were hard.  Tragic.  But God saw them through to the other side.

  We piled in the car Friday--my girls were ready when I drove up to pick them up! I was amazed...

  I am still not believing who I saw in the lobby of that great big huge resort. The other Nonny (of 'Love Being a Nonny" blog).   I did not squeal.  I did not run.  Honest.  (I surely did not want to embarrass my darling daughters).  It was just delightful to meet her face to face!  We planned to talk more at the Meet and Greet.

Nonnie and Nonny

  Holly, Robin and I spend some time walking around seeing all there is to see in the Cascades Conservatory, and the Delta.  We had a great dinner, and then off to the Meet and Greet to hug some necks of some ladies I follow in blogland.  (Just to let you know, I am wanting to squeal, but do not know how to type a squeal.)

Let me tell you, meeting these women was BIG for me.  Not because they are superstars, or famous (but they are among their followers) but because they so unashamedly share their faith amidst trials with all who will read their blogs.  They are honest and transparent.  They are talented and real.  I admire and love them and did before I ever met them.   That is why this was a BIG deal for me to meet them, hug them, tell them how much I enjoy their blogs, and that I admire their courage to open up their lives so others can see Christ in them.   

Okay, I have already talked-typed way too much!  

The Meet and Greet was great fun.  I heard a few squeals.  (I refrained.  I did not want to embarrass you know who.)  Nonny and I had a great visit.  We have so much in common.  Who knew?
Our love for our families, Jesus, and making our homes a warm and inviting place
made us instant friends.  

                   Here's Edie (Life in Grace) talking to two of her fellow bloggers and followeres.

          I met Sibi, founder of Pearls and Grace, and told her how she is so loved and is truly a pearl!  Girls, she is the sweetest thing!


   Saturday, at the Pearls and Grace Event, we shed heartbreaking, laughing and joyful tears. Thank you, Jesus, that we could see and hear the happy side, too!  Every woman in that beautiful room was blessed to hear, meet and embrace these women of God.

   I encourage you to read the stories of these pearls who are willing to tell the good and the bad times.   Each woman shared tenderly of their trials and triumphs and how the Lord has blessed them, redeemed them and brought them to a place of revelation-Christ is our joy.  Amidst the sorrows of life, we can have true and clear joy. 

     Sibi~  beautiful woman of God.  What can I say?  I wanted to just weep, and tell her she is beautiful, and she is loved.  Here is part of her story:
    Paige~ her story will certainly bring tears-but you will love how it comes full circle.  I happened upon her blog a couple of years ago.  She has a heart for others, and supporting international crisis groups.  What a joy it was to meet her and tell her in person how much I love her and pray for her and her family! I did get just a few minutes with Paige on Friday night, but not enough time as I would have liked!  Here's her 'Simple Thoughts' blog address:

     Edie~ yes, she is the queen of blogland!  I do not know how this girl does all she does and still looks totally unruffled and not sleep deprived.  She is funny, talented, smart, and even home schools her darling little girls.  I was just hankering to hugh her neck, and I did!
     Edie, you make me smile!  She blogs about spiritual things and makes you think.  She blogged about building her beautiful new house, after her former beautiful home burned completely to the ground.   Here is her famous blog:  http://www.lifeingraceblog.com/

    Jane~ Meeting Jane Friday night was a treat for all three of us.  She so warmly greeted us and we were instant friends, and even realized we (especially Holly) had a close connections in friends.  She is  friends with the mom of Holly's best friend.  Jane has a story to tell.....moving, sad, and uplifting-absent of bitterness!  
    We both confessed our techie challenges and confusion over Pinterest photo usage  :)  She was just so FUN.   Here's her blog:  http://www.designwgrace.blogspot.com/

     Sarah~  I was fairly new to Sarah's blog, but had read her story via Sibi.  Her recent loss is still so tender, so moving.  During her tragic story, soft muffled sobs echoed off the walls of that beautiful room.  Certainly, every woman in there longed to hold her and comfort her.  She sweetly reminded us of her blessings, and her love for Jesus.  Such an inspiration!
    You can find her blog here:  www.mercyliving.blogspot.com

   Brittany Nelson-talented musician, mother of three.  She led us in worship and lifted her beautiful voice to praise our Savior.  Is there anything much sweeter than a group of two hundred women's raising their voices in worship? I just love it!  Brittany has a new CD out.  You can visit her  here:  www.melodiesofgrace.blogspot.com

  If you need a blessing, hook up to these women and their blogs.  You WON'T be disappointed!

He collects every tear in a bottle.  Psalm 56:8


Friday, March 9, 2012

Pearls and Grace

It's happening this weekend!  Can't wait........

  I couldn't sleep last night for thinking about it.  So I stayed on my Mac and read most of Sibi's posts, and reread Edie's and Paige's and now my eyes are all bloodshot...

  I'll be the one wearing sunglasses tonight.  :)

  I am really wanting to meet the "other Nonny".  http://www.lovebeinganonny.com/ (She and her hubby are Nonny and Poppy, and WE are Nonnie and Poppie.) She blogs-mostly about her precious grandchildren.  Sound familiar?  So, likely we will run into one another.  Maybe we won't squeal.  I would embarrass my darling daughters....

  Happy Pearls and Grace event weekend!

Monday, February 6, 2012

EXTREMELY random news...

     Actually, no news.  I seem to be slipping so bad in the blogging department that I just thought I would list a few... few...few what?  I have no clue.

   1.  Paisley will be two this week!
   2.  Why is that when you don't wash and style your hair you always see people out and about that you never see, and you wonder if they are thinking if I always go out like that?  NO, is the answer.  Rarely.
   3.  The sun finally came out for ten minutes right before sunset this afternoon.  Not complaining, just stating.
   4.  My buttercups are blooming.  They have been for over a week.  That means they bloomed in January.  This has never happened before, (here).  Really.  NEVER.  I don't know whether to be happy or concerned.
   5.  We have new neighbors from Switzerland.  Yes, the European country.  They even have an accent and are extremely friendly.  Talk about culture shock.
   6.  I am looking for a good book to read.  Always looking, as a matter of fact.
   7.  I drank a Sunkist Orange yesterday for dinner.  I was awake until after two this morning.  I think the cola plant mixed up the Sundrop and Sunkist caffiene ingredients.
   8.  I rarely drink soft drinks.  Really.  I like water.  I really do. Honest.  Mr. G thinks I am crazy.  He cannot stand water.  Really.  Honest.  He really hates it.
   9.  We have a natural stand of wild strawberries in the dog pen.  In the WHOLE dog pen.  If they were the good strawberries, we could put a "U-PICK" sign in the yard.
  10.  Have you seen the talking dog on Youtube?  You must.  It is so funny that I laugh even when I just THINK about it.  Here's the link:  http://youtu.be/nGeKSiCQkPw
   11.  I ran into Naomi Judd today.  I really did.  With my cart in the store.  She is prettier in person than on t.v.  Honest.  She smiled at me and was friendly.
   12.  Mr. G is watching the old movie 'The Longest Day'.  I have renamed it.  'The Longest Movie.'
   13.  Has anyone really had a LED light bulb last for seven years?  I don't think they have been on the market that long.  So, I guess the answer is no.
   14.  Are you addicted to Pinterest?
   15.  I don't know why we are buying the huge tvs, paying for multiple channels through cable or satellite, and there is nothing on tv or cable or satellite to watch.
                Have a great week!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Rejoice, for He knows your name!

Have you ever been somewhere and others there knew each other, but you were not familiar with anyone?  No one knew your name?  How awkward that feeling is.  While people are talking in their own groups, milling about, laughing, meanwhile you are alone and standing out like a sore thumb.

How comforting it is to know that our Savior knows our name.  He knows everything about us; the good, the bad and the ugly!  He created us, He formed us, He chose for us our appearance, where we would be born, and who would be our parents.  He set a path for us from the beginning of time.  He truly knows us and He knows our name.

Isaiah 49:1 states that the Lord called us from the womb, and He named our name.  In context here, the Lord is referring to Israel.  But, this verse is a great reminder of how intimately he knows us, counts our heartbeats, and listens to our thoughts.

Isaiah 49:16 tells us the Lord has engraved us on the palms of His hands.  Taking some creative license here, think about it this way: How painful would it be to engrave something on the palms of our hands?  I am reminded of the 'Home Alone' movie when the robber touched the hot doorknob and it left a burned engraving on his palm.  Our sin, our neglect of our Lord, our betrayal and disobedience are the pains our Savior felt from the nails through His hands.  Christ willingly did this for us as He suffered on the cross to save us.  He knows us.  He knows our names.

Just as sheep know their shepherds voice, Christ knows us and we know Him (John 10:14-15).  

Pinned Image

For our Savior who created us, knows our name!

Isaiah 43:1-3

But now thus says the Lord,
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name, and you are mine.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned,
and the flame shall not consume you.


 While cleaning out some things this morning, I found the narrative above that I had written last year
for a women's event leaflet.  The verse from Isaiah 43 was one that a Bobkitten gave our group of high school friends to meditate on and keep in our hearts through our trials.  It was a timely reminder to day to read this and see how God has brought this verse to my mind last January 2011, and again in August, and today as I read it.  Thank you, Lord, for laying before us your wonders and comfort!

*Sheep picture borrowed from Pinterest via flickr.  manyfires (Danielle Hughson)