He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalms 91:1

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Friends forever

 I am attending a very special event/weekend very soon!  I have been anticipating it for a few months, and now, it is nearly here.  A group of very close friends from long long ago are gathering!

   In contacting one another we found even though the years have been many, it was as if we talked last week, and we just had a bit of catching up to do.  Isn't that funny?  So much has happened, marriages, children, jobs, moving, heartaches, deaths, grandchildren, and so much more in between the many years we have fellowshipped together.

   I know the time will be fun, sweet, sorrowful, and tender.  We have so much to share.  Most of us have mentioned our aging bodies, sagging skin, extra pounds, graying hair, limps, aches, pains, and all kinds of issues kin to our ages.  What is wonderful is that we are all the same age and share similar woes.

   I dreamed about us a month or so ago.  I dreamed we were living in the now era, but we looked like we did then.  We even decided to go and have retro 'dos' at a salon.  We came out with wonderful 'flips' of the late sixties and seventies.  That was a real feat since my hair is very very short.  But, you can do anything in a dream.  Remember, we all looked eighteen again!

   I don't doubt that we will talk into the wee hours, shed tears of heartaches as well as joys, laugh until we can't breath, and pour out our hearts.  We will share and pray and cover each other with love of Jesus.  I can sense the sweet smell of fellowship where old friends come together with open hearts.

I'll let you know how much fun we had, after this very special weekend coming up!
But, until then,
the loft is nearly finished!  I hope to have everything done this week.  
I am very excited, but still need to focus on the finish line.  So, just let me close and go get the drill.  I need to hang some 'stuff '.  Watch out...here I come.