I found the coolest toy blocks via Sixty-Six Clouds *way cool site Sixty-Six Clouds
Anywho, these BIBLE BLOCKS are really toys, really blocks, but with the books of the Bible on them, and numbered in order, color coded, etc. You just have to take a looksie for yourself:
Books of the Bible Block Set
I could use them for moi. I learned the books of the Bible in Vacation Bible School, and Sunday School as a child (centuries ago), but somewhere after Amos in the Old Testament I can get kind of lost. Then somewhere around Colossians, my post middle age brain can turn to oatmeal or James steps out for a cup of coffee with the Peter and John and I can't find them. So, a good game of name the Books of the Bible could be a real memory lesson for me AND help teach the grandkids the order of the Great Books.
Take a look, and quick, this ball needs to get rollin'!
AND here's a look at the posters/screen prints from Sixty-Six Clouds. I have to have one. Deciding on which one is the problem.
This is from Sixty-six Clouds. You can order this poster/screen print. LOVE IT! It's Saturday morning, I have to get some much needed chores done....Have a good one! my lilacs are in full bloom.... |